Dreamkeeper Photography Celebrates Spring 2014 Fashion Week

We're celebrating the 8th and final day of 2014 Fashion Week with a look-back at some of our favorite Styled Fashion shoots and a re-post of our blog on fashion photography. These photographs were taken during WPPI in Las Vegas last year. These were from the Thirst Relief Benefit Shoot in the surrounding desert areas. Needless to say, it is always fun photographing models and I couldn't pick a favorite. They were all so beautiful and professional and a joy to work with. Hope to see some of you back next year! Thanks to David Beckstead, Mike Colon, Jerry Ghionis, Kevin Kubota, and so many more. But most of all, thanks to Thirst Relief.org for "Changing lives through safe, clean drinking water". Please visit and donate! 

Please keep Dreamkeeper Photography in mind when booking your Engagement Session, Wedding, or Family Portraits

Here's an except from a recent fashion blog.

Fashion is everywhere – in newspapers, magazines, on billboards, and television advertisements. Models get decked out and will strike a pose to help sell products for businesses vested in the fashion and beauty industry. Fashion photography will always be in demand as models need images to build their portfolios and companies need all components to sell their products.  High Fashion Photography is now becoming more popular as the competition for a better ‘look’ becomes more and more competitive. Think of Vogue and Allure magazines – their images are first rate and these are not your average quality photos. While several elements are vital to a high fashion look - care, precision, patience, color, lighting, composition and purpose are all important to consider – the image uniqueness or quality would not be captured without a suitable photographer.

Source: www.dreamkeeper.com